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If you or a friend have any questions that you would like for me to discuss on upcoming podcasts or videos, please shoot me a message. If I do end up discussing your topic or question, your name will stay anonymous. If you have any feedback about the website, podcast, or anything else, I would love to hear it all - positive and negative. Also, please please please send any prayer requests you may have. One of the biggest parts of being a Worship Warrior is being a prayer warrior. I don't have to know you to love you. That being said, I love you and would love to pray with you and for you. So please send a message of requests, questions, concerns, encouragement, and love. 

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Thanks for reaching out!

Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee

My journey as a Christian began when I was six years old the moment I accepted God's gift of salvation, but it wasn't until I was fifteen that I started truly growing in my faith. After a few years of being "lukewarm" in my time with the Lord, I eventually started to distance myself from a relationship with God. I was involved with friends that lived very worldly lifestyles. This resulted in me having a very sinful lifestyle myself. This went on for several years until I met my husband. After KC and I started dating, we moved rather quickly in our relationship and I realized that without a doubt, I wanted to have a family with this man. There was one problem though. Because I grew up in a home that put God at the heart of it, I knew what it was like to be raised by God-fearing Christians, and this is what I wanted for my kids. The problem with this though was that at this point, KC and I had the complete opposite of a God-fearing relationship. So, I told KC all of this, and in turn, I found out that he actually knew the Lord personally, but never knew how to have and grow a relationship with God due to the fact that he did not have anyone to disciple or mentor him after he first believed in God 10 years prior to this. So, we allowed God to turn our lives around - together. It's been a long journey since that first "God conversation" KC and I had, but here we are today with a beautiful baby boy and God at the center of our hearts and our home. Never will I go back to the life I had before.


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